Saturday, 13 June 2015

Lecture Programme 2015-16

Our summer break (but it isn't - see below) is a good time to look back and look forward.

Looking back at last season's varied series of lectures we find that those given by Professor Munro Price (University of Bradford) on the downfall of Napoleon and Professor Lord Morgan (University of Oxford) on the rise and fall of British coalitions from 1890 to 2015 were the best-attended. Our average attendance for the seven lectures was 49.

One party of members recently visited Badminton House, the home of the Duke of Beaufort, and another will go in a few days to Lacock Abbey. There will be further visits to the library and archives of Downside Abbey in the autumn.

The details of our lecture programme and Christmas event for 2015-16 were published at the Annual General Meeting.

24 September 2015: The invention of Magna Carta in the early modern period
          Professor Justin Champion (Royal Holloway University of London),
          President of the Historical Association

22 October 2015: The Shanghai British and the First World War
          Professor Robert Bickers (University of Bristol)

26 November 2015: The Modern Significance of Stoic Ideas and Practice
          Professor Christopher Gill (University of Exeter)

10 December 2015: Members' Christmas Reception and Visit at the Fashion Museum,

28 January 2016: The Lessons of the New Deal: Did President Obama Learn the Right
          Professor Tony Badger (Clare College Cambridge)

25 February 2016: The Admiral's Wife: Family, Navy and Nation in the Life of Elizabeth
          Wynne Fremantle
          Professor Elaine Chalus (Bath Spa University)

24 March 2016: Charlemagne and Rome: Alcuin's epitaph for Pope Hadrian I in St
          Peter's Old and New
          Professor Jo Story (University of Leicester)

28 April 2016: James, Duke of Monmouth
          Dr Anna Keay (Director of the Landmark Trust)